Sunday, July 18, 2010

In The Beginning

I have been involved with kettlebells for a number of years now. My only problem is that I never finish a protocol to the letter. I am always caught up in the latest protocol and don't finish what I started.
This is why I am starting this Blog. I am putting myself out there to help and have others help me on this journey. I have contacted a couple people on DragonDoor that have the same ambitions I do.
I am hoping we can all come together to make this a positive journey for all and keep each other motivated and offer help when someone is stuck or doubting themselves.
I will start with a 16kg bell for TGU because I want to focus on form before strength. I have not done a lot of TGU but expect to get to the 24kg fast and before I start the ROP.

For swings I am using the 24kg. I have pressed the Bulldog (88lb) before but, I want to start where I should and not let my ego interfere.

For the PM and ROP I will be using Anthony Diluglio's template from his e-book. So for swings it will be-
swings x20
jumpinjacks 1 min
swings x20
mountain climders 1 min
swings x20
pushup to squat thrust 1 min
swings x20
jog 1 min

I will do this as many times in 12 minutes that I can and document it.

I will also be doing joint mobility in the mornings and a warm up for the workout. The warm up is-
wall squats x10
halos x10
pumps x10

I will do these before each workout.

On the TGU it will be by the book with a heavy lean on technique. I really want to be proficient with these because they have so much carryover.

On the variety days I will also be doing TGU and I almost forgot to mention that when I start ROP, I am also adding pullups in with the press ladders. Pavel also recommends this.

Well that is it till tomorrow. Hope I made my objectives clear enough. I am stocked and scared at the same time-LOL. I don't want to fall short and let my comrades down.